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Can Sugar Cause Acne? 7 Foods To Avoid For Clear Skin

Dermatologists now accept there is a link between food and acne. And sugar has a lot to do with it.  Studies show that certain foods create a cascade of events which ends up triggering your hormones and clogging pores. So many of us wind up with the most common type of acne: acne vulgaris. 

The most common type of acne is acne vulgaris but most people don’t know that all acne is hormonal acne. All acne is hormonal because it is the result of chronic inflammation which causes clogged pores.

But you can take control of this hormonal madness and eat foods that will improve your skin and get rid of acne from the inside out. You can use food to make your acne go away, for good!

can sugar cause acne

Can Sugar Cause Acne?

Yes. Sugar causes acne. Eating foods with sugar cause a spike in blood sugar causing hormones to overproduce. Insulin, Insulin Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1), and androgen hormones causing inflammation, thick and sticky sebum, and clogged pores. 

P. acnes is a normal bacteria on your skin but when your pores get clogged, it starts to get out of control. This makes your acne lesions infected, painful, and filled with pus. 

Foods with sugar and other simple carbohydrates are at the root of this problem. Cow’s milk also triggers IGF-1 production which causes acne. 

The best way to stop the overproduction of hormones, blood sugar spikes, and acne-causing inflammation is with an acne diet. An acne diet is a plant-based, whole foods, low GI diet designed to include probiotics and vitamins that help balance your skin. 

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What is the Glycemic Index?

The glycemic index (GI) is a rating system that indicates how much a food or drink will increase blood sugar levels. It only includes foods that have carbohydrates. 

The 3 basic carbs available in foods are: sugars, starches, and fiber. GI only applies to foods that have sugar, starch, or fiber. 

How GI Affects Your Body

When you eat or drink something with carbs, your body breaks down the sugars and starches into glucose, which is the simplest type of sugar your cells can use.

Then a hormone called insulin moves glucose from your bloodstream into your cells where it is used for energy.

High Glycemic Index Foods

The higher the GI of a food, the faster the food is broken down into glucose which is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. In other words, high GI foods are quickly turned into sugar and released into the bloodstream immediately. This is what gives us a 'sugar rush.'

Low Glycemic Index Foods

The lower the GI of a food; the slower the food is broken down into glucose and released into your bloodstream. This is why we feel prolonged energy from complex carbohydrates, like whole grains and oatmeal, and why athletes do 'carb loading' before a marathon or big event.

When blood sugar rises quickly, like with high GI foods, an enzyme called mTORC is overstimulated and sends a signal to sebaceous (oil-producing) and fat cells.

This causes a rise in androgen which causes acne, but also fat.  

So high glycemic index foods not only cause acne, but they also make us fat. Boo. 

7 Foods That Cause Acne

These 7 foods are known to cause acne.

Processed Foods

Processed foods are made with ingredients that have been stripped of all their nutritional value and pumped with artificial vitamins and preservatives. 

White flour and white sugar are commonly used to make processed foods. These are simple carbohydrates that cause a quick rise in blood sugar levels.

Examples of Processed Foods

Soda and Sweets

Soda has a lot of sugar. Diet soda is better than choosing full sugar sodas, but artificial sugars have a host of other health concerns.

The best option is drinking sparkling water with lime or lemon. It tastes a lot like Sprite but without the calories or sugar.

Examples of Sweets 

Whey Protein

Many people don’t know that whey protein has an amino acid called leucine.

Leucine has been shown to cause IGF-1 levels to rise. This leads to inflammation and thick and sticky sebum. Leucine is also found in cow’s milk.

Cow’s Milk

Cow’s milk causes hormone levels to spike which leads to acne-causing inflammation. 

Drinking milk causes a rise in androgens, mostly testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, insulin, and IGF-1. 


Leucine is an essential amino acid found in cow's milk and whey protein. It stimulates the production of hormones leading to thick, pore-clogging sebum and acne.

The American Academy of Dermatology did a huge data collection project to determine whether cow's milk can cause acne. They concluded that both men and women who drank cow's milk had an increase in acne versus those who did not. 


But other dairy products, like cheese and yogurt, did not cause acne in these studies.

No conclusive evidence supports that dairy causes acne, it’s just cow’s milk (for now!)

Red Meat

Studies have linked a Western diet, which includes foods with a complex mixture of fats, like red meat, food with a high glycemic index (high GI foods), and dairy, may aggravate acne by raising the levels of IGF-1 and insulin.

Corn and Soybean Oils

Corn and soy oils have high amounts of omega-6 fatty acids. 

Linolenic Acid

Our bodies convert linolenic acid (LA), which is the most common form of omega-6, into a substance that causes inflammation and blood vessel tightening. 

When vessels tighten, blood flow is reduced to the tissue it feeds. This means that if the blood vessels around, say, your heart tighten, then your heart muscle may not get as much blood and oxygen as it needs.

Over time, this can lead to heart disease and a number of other chronic illnesses. 

Omega-6 fatty acids are healthy fats, but only in moderation. The typical western diet includes far too much Omega-6 and not enough Omega-3 fatty acids, like the main fatty acid in salmon. Most of us get 14 to 25 times more omega-6 fatty acids than omega-3s. 

When omega-6 intake outweighs omega-3 intake, your body will have more inflammation, blood vessel tightening leading to chronic diseases, and acne. 

The apparent increased consumption of LA, which was primarily from soybean oil, has likely decreased tissue concentrations of EPA and DHA during the 20th century.


Whether or not alcohol causes acne is a big discussion.

On the one hand, alcohol doesn't have much sugar because it has been fermented, but on the other hand most people don't drink straight ethanol.

Popular mixers (like soda and cranberry juice), wine, and even tonic water are full of sugar.

It causes weight gain because alcohol and contributes to insulin resistance. Plus, when you've had a lot to drink, it's easy to go for unhealthy foods with simple carbohydrates that are known to cause acne.

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Foods To Eat For Clear Skin and Better Health

Eating foods that reduce inflammation, keep blood sugar levels steady, and give your skin the nutrients it needs are the key to avoiding acne breakouts.

Eating these foods in your diet and avoiding food that does cause acne will help you keep your skin healthy.

These are a few examples of the acne diet, but it’s much more complex and delicious than these foods. 

acne diet foods that get rid of acne

Best Foods To Improve Acne

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables give your body phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and phenols which help reduce inflammation

Green Tea

Green tea has many health benefits.

Research shows that drinking green tea reduces inflammation and gives your body antioxidants. It's a healthy replacement for sugary drinks.

Matcha green tea has amino acids which give you a sense of calm and well being.


Fiber slows the release of sugar and is found in foods that are low glycemic.

Whole grains found in are unprocessed wheat breads and other grains that have retained their fiber.

Many vegetables have fiber, too. Broccoli, avocadoes, berries, and apples are high in fiber and have other nutrients that are good for your skin.

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Final Thoughts

Sugar causes acne through a cycle of inflammation and hormones causing changes in your sebum which causes clogged pores. Eating a diet of low GI foods will prevent this cycle from getting started. Avoid foods that cause acne, like processed foods, cow’s milk, whey protein, sweets, and foods made with corn or soybean oil. Eat foods that are high in fiber, healthy fatty acids, fruits and vegetables.